Coaxsol (short for Coaxial Solutions) debuts its entrance into the RF Microwave world as a Custom On-Demand Manufacturer of an unprecedented 177,000+ RF Microwave coaxial Non-Existent Adapters & Connectors used by the military, the aerospace and commercial markets such as wireless communications, medical, test & measurement.
Due to the high cost and time delay in the manufacturing of new adapters & connectors, RF Microwave Engineers and Technicians are forced to build their designs and prototypes only around the existing RF components available to them.
Coaxsol's engineers have developed the "OPEN CABLE PORT CONNECTOR CONCEPT", a patent pending technology that made it possible to create, deliver On-Demand and increase the number of RF Microwave Coaxial Adapters available in the market today from approximately 3,500 to over 177,000. The numbers are expected to surpass 500,000 within a year. Over 97% of the CoaxSol branded adapter and connector products have never previously existed in the RF marketplace.
With an engineering team whose expertise spans a combined history of over 100 years and after 2 years in development, Coaxsol brings new custom coaxial solutions to the RF Microwave Industry that never existed; thus putting an end to costly long lead time solutions by making non-existent adapters and connectors readily available upon demand.
The value that CoaxSol brings to the RF Microwave industry stems not only from the introduction of tens of thousands of new connection options but by also eliminating unnecessary components that are being used by RF engineers to work around existing components in order to achieve their goals; taking for example the high cost of using 2 or 3 different adapters or the use of cable assemblies in narrow spaces just to build a prototype or run a VNA test.
CoaxSol was created to fill this gap and make the job of RF Engineers and Technicians a whole lot easier and less expensive. Coaxial Solutions is working hard to help mitigate the lack of evolution of competing connector manufacturers, by providing Non-Existent, Hard-to-Find and costly adapters & connectors, at fair market prices, all with low minimum order quantities and 1 or 2 Day turn around most of the time.
CoaxSol product line is aimed to simplify project development by offering a new level of project control and design versatility, which previously was not attainable through costly custom designs and minimum orders.
The "OPEN CABLE PORT CONNECTOR CONCEPT" is the key in the creation and production of hundreds of thousands of connectors and adapters; in and between series, with or without Bulkhead or Panel-Mount, to be used freely or on PC-Boards.
The "L" shaped Open Cable Port Connector is used in the creation of Right-Angled connectors and adapters where no right angles of either exist, increasing the availability by the thousands.
The "T" and the "CROSS" shaped Open Cable Port Connectors are used in the creation of different types of "T" & "CROSS" shaped connectors and adapters increasing the availability by over 150,000.
Combination of 2 of the above can be used to create "U" shaped "F" shaped "Z" shaped or any shape adapters or connectors the design requires.
The "BULKHEAD" and "PANEL-MOUNT" Open Cable Port Connectors are used in the creation of Bulkhead and Panel-Mount connectors and adapters where neither exists, increasing the availability by the thousands.
The "PC-MOUNT" Open Cable Port Connectors are used in the creation of PC-Mount connectors that do not exist. These are also used in "Board-2-Board" applications where spacing between boards can be adjusted accordingly and where continuity can be accomplished with or without the use of Push-On or Quick-Disconnect connectors.
The Solder-Cup Bulkhead & Panel-Mount Open Cable Port Connectors also add to the creation of more connectors.
The "Open Cable Port Connector Concept" is also opening the doors for the manufacturing of "T" Type Coaxial Cable Assemblies; "CROSS" Type cable assemblies and others such as: the "F" type, the "Z" type assemblies and the most common Right- Angled & "U" shaped coaxial cable assemblies.
Cable types that can be used with the Open Cable Port Connectors are Semi-Rigid; Flexible Semi-Rigid; Flexible Low Loss Cables 0.100(inch) O.D. and 0.160(inch) O.D.
Open Cable Port Connectors for RG type Mil-Standard flexible cables are in their final stages of R&D and will soon be coming to the Market.
PROTOTYPING MADE EASY... whereby prototypes can now be done in days; not in months of waiting for the right adapter or connector to be manufactured.
TESTING MADE EASY... whereby Lab Technicians can now have the adapter of their choice without having to resort to the use of multiple adapters or to building cable assemblies in order to perform their tests.
Coaxsol is also pioneering new concepts in manufacturing the following On-Demand:
"3D" Coaxial Adapters; Non-Existent Radius Right-Angle Adapters; Non-Existent Bulkhead & Panel- Mount Connectors & adapters; Non-Existent PC Mount Connectors Non-Existent Solder-Cup, Solder-Post as well as Press-Fit Connectors
Coaxsol will temporarily be selling its line of products directly to the consumer while distributors are being established worldwide. Distributors are welcome to:
Contact us directly at 1-949-852-2101, or online thru: